Stock market investing - look for high uncertainty and low risk
Risk in many ways is a perception for instance on November 2008 my son was booked to go to Mumbai (India) the week before he was due to go they had the terrorist attacks. Most parents would freak out and plead with their child to cancel the trip but I had the exact opposite sentiment, I never felt so sure of his safety. As a trader of 30 years+ and understanding real risk knowing that one week after the attacks in Mumbai it would be one of the safest places on this planet for him to visit with the elevated security in place. The VIX index is at an all time low and I have never been so cautious of the market and trading as i am today. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being taking the max risk) I am at 1 or 2 on my risk management, that is to say I see today's market as Mumbai the week before the attacks and February 2009 as Mumbai the week after the attacks the opposite of what the VIX is indicating today. YouTube Video
The Manager, Fidelibus Lucrum, Pooled Investment Club.